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From the Desk of Mrs. Line

Teacher at Desk

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Second Grade at Lincoln Elementary School!  I am so excited to have your child in my class this year.  Your child is going to have a very exciting and busy year learning new things! Our days will be spent exploring, working together, growing, and having fun while learning. I expect the children to follow classroom and school rules at all times, try their hardest, respect themselves and others, use manners, and above all else be kind to one another. 

General Information:  School begins at 8:55 a.m. and students are dismissed at 3:55 p.m.  If your child walks to school, please leave home at an appropriate time to arrive when there will be supervision in the building or on the playground. Prior to 7:30 a.m. no supervision is available. At the end of the school day, please pick up your child on time. Bus riders and extended day children will go to the gym to wait for their bus or a parent pick up. If you need to speak with me, please feel free to call or email me to set up a meeting. The school phone number is 635-6626 (classroom ext. is 5321).  My email address is    

Illness: If your child is showing signs or symptoms of illness, please keep your child home. Please be sure to call the office and let them know if your child is staying home sick. These continue to be very uncertain times. I want your child healthy and safe, as well as our entire classroom of students. If we all do our part, we will be able to stay learning together and in person all year!

Clothing: Please label ALL jackets, shoes, gloves, boots, snow pants, etc. Many things can be easily misplaced or mistaken. Please also send your child in clothing that is warm enough for the weather. Recess is very important for your child’s body and mind. The children rarely miss recess due to weather conditions. If you are able to, please send in a pair of shoes that can be worn in the classroom and used for PE. It helps keep our floor clean.

Lunch: Lunch is on a debit system. You may place as much money into your child’s account for the year as you wish either online or have your child deliver it to me. Please keep it current with funds. If sending your deposit to school, use an envelope with your child’s name on it. 

Toys: The children are strongly discouraged from bringing toys and items from home to school. We don’t have show and tell time and personal items tend to be broken, lost, or possibly stolen. Keep these items safe at home.

Specials: Monday ART 10:05-10:50

                 Tuesday PE 9:10-9:50

                 Wednesday LIBRARY 9:30-10:00 and MUSIC 1:00-1:45

                 Thursday STEM 10:05-10:50

                 Friday PE 9:10-9:50

Stay-Tuned:  Please ask your child what he or she is learning in school, and look in their backpack every night. You will find the newsletters and notes that are sent home, completed work, as well as any homework that needs to be completed.  Students are expected to turn in completed homework assignments the next day.  Please take the time to look at your child’s work and help him or her correct things that they got wrong.   Our weekly newsletter will help you keep up with important happenings in our classroom.   

Home Work: Your child will have homework. Our Math series, Everyday Math, has Home Links. These take 5-10 minutes and won’t be every night. I will attach a schedule to the packet or you can always check your weekly newsletter for due dates. If your child is ill, they are required to complete any missing assignments. Also, it is not mandatory, but I highly suggest reading with your child each night for 2o minutes. I don’t suggest any particular books, whatever interests your child is what they should read. 

Ask Questions:  If you have any concerns or are wondering why something is happening, please feel free to call, email me, or come in to talk to me at a scheduled time.  I welcome all concerns, ideas, and feedback that affect your child or our classroom.   If something is not working, I am more than willing to talk.  I welcome all feedback!

Absent:  If your child is absent, please call the office to let them know.  Please also send an excuse for your child’s absence when he or she returns to school.  When your child is absent, he or she will have as many days as they were out to complete and bring back missed assignments.

Snack:  All students may bring a nutritious snack to school every day & should bring a bottle of water.  Snack time will be mid-morning. Please send a water bottle with a nozzle as screw tops tend to get lost. Your child will have the opportunity to refill their water bottle as needed at the class sink. Please label your child’s water bottle. Also, keep the snack small so your child will eat their lunch.

Birthday Celebrations: Birthdays are very special to children. You’re more than welcome to send in a treat to share with the class. You may choose a treat of your choice and drop it off when convenient. They will enjoy the treat at the end of the day. Please don’t send items with nuts or nut byproducts. If your child has a summer birthday, you are more than welcome to send in a “half” birthday snack too. A birthday treat must be store bought and individually wrapped.

Arrival Time:  Students are not allowed to go down to the classroom until the bell rings at 9:00 a.m. Your child may leave their backpack at the class line before heading to the playground. If your child is late, please walk with your child into the office. 

Dismissal Time:  If you pick your child up early, please go to the office. When possible, please send me a note so that I can have your child ready ahead of time. Please remember, the school day ends at 4:00. I teach until the day ends, please be mindful of this.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me first with any questions or concerns.  I look forward to working together to make this a successful and terrific year for your child!  Thank you for your support.