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Homework Letter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

A common question that I receive is about homework in our third-grade classroom.  If a student puts in their best effort, there will not be assigned work to be completed at home. There may be a rare occasion when we do not have enough time to complete a project in the classroom, and I will ask that the students finish the task during their free time in the classroom or at home.  This is a breakdown of the assignments that are completed in the classroom, so you can see the work your student works on throughout the day.

Math: Students complete their work in a Math Journal which stays in the classroom. The students are given time at the end of our Math Block to complete their work before we move to the next subject. There is a Home Link that is sent home after each lesson in math which is to be completed at home and then returned to the classroom. I use this as a home connection tool for the students to be practicing their Math at home. The Home Link is also used as part of the student’s responsibility grade. 

Language Arts: Students will be completing workbook pages from our Reading Curriculum called MyView. They will read stories, complete close reads, work on spelling, and complete grammar pages.  This work will be completed during independent work time in the classroom.  There will be weekly paper assessments and computer assessments. We will complete a vocabulary worksheet at the beginning of the week which will be sent home for the student to study. 

Science: Each student has a folder in which their worksheets and experiment pages stay until the end of the Unit. We use the folders to study and further our investigations for our experiments. Students are also given a Science Journal which is used to complete Inquiry Science Experiments.

Social Studies: Each student has a folder in which their worksheets and end of lesson questions stay until after the test. We use the folders to study from before the Unit Test.

Spelling: Students will complete an assortment of Spelling worksheets that they will use throughout the week to practice their words. There will be two spelling tests a week (Thursday and Friday) which are used to practice and master their spelling sorts. Students will also complete spelling assignments on Kids A-Z, an online spelling program.

Throughout the day the students are given ample time to complete their work in the specific subject areas. I believe that when students are focused and working to complete their assignments, work will not need to be taken home. My policy on bringing workbooks home states that I do not allow students to bring home their workbooks, but they are given time the next day to complete missing or unfinished work. If a student is absent, I will create a list of assignments that will need to be taken home, completed, and returned.

If you have any questions or concerns about assignments in the classroom, please feel free to contact me at .  You can also call my classroom phone number 906-635-6626 Ex. 5310.

Thank you and have a great day!

Mrs. Kelsie Hesselink

3rd grade Lincoln Elementary