Arrival and Departure
Morning arrival- If your child eats breakfast at home, then they will go directly to the playground. If they need to eat breakfast, enter through the door with the Blue sign next to it. There will also be playground supervisors out there for you to ask if you forget. Think Blue Breakfast door.
After First bell (rings at 8:55)/ Recess- Your child will line up at the door with the Green sign next to it. It is at the end door right by the bus loop. They will get in the line for my class (we will be out there the first couple of days to guide your child).
Dismissal- Parents may pick up their child around the outer edge of the playground/ black fence. Parents MAY NOT park in the staff parking lot or bus loop. Children have almost been hit and staff members' cars have been hit. Please try to park in the same general area so that it is easier for your child to find you each afternoon. If your child rides a bus, please make sure they know which one and what their plan is for after school every day. There is a map on our school website that you can use as a guide for parking.
Afterschool Program- the after-school program will start Wednesday, the first week of school. Your child will need to be signed up for the afterschool program the Friday before in order for them to attend. The form can be found on the homepage of the Lincoln School website under announcements. Download it and scan it back to or or drop it off at the school office. The program runs from 4-5:30 each day. There will be no after-school on half days!